viernes, 25 de julio de 2008

Lo que nos faltaba...

La OMG ha publicado recientemente la primera versión del BPMM (Business Process Maturity Model) Un extracto de la introducción nos orienta en su alcance:

"Introducing the BPMM specification will address at least five current challenges to the success of enterprise systems:
• Management has few standards for appraising the maturity of their business process workflows and needs proven methods for identifying the risks process weaknesses pose for deploying enterprise IT projects and achieving business objectives.
• Management has few proven methods for appraising the fidelity between how tasks are actually performed and how they are described in model-based representations of process workflows. This problem compromises the validity of system requirements, the accuracy of use cases and model-based representations, and the effectiveness of the application in use.
• Management is often unaware of the extent to which organic growth or acquisitions have resulted in multiple ways of performing similar tasks. The creation of standard, tailorable processes simplifies the requirements for enterprise applications and as a result will reduce the complexity of enterprise systems.
• Organization’s have few proven methods for appraising a supplier’s capability for delivering outsourced IT and other business services within the parameters claimed in a proposal. Further they need a proven basis for specifying contractual requirements for improvements in a supplier’s business processes.
• Management needs guidance on how to implement the business process foundations required for organizational agility and lower operating costs..."

Veremos cómo sigue...Parece interesante.